Metals and Non-metals 10th class Important Questions and Answer

 1.Malachite is a mineral





Answer:  the right response is (b) Copper

Clarification: Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with the equation Cu2CO3(OH)2. It is a mineral of copper. 

Hence the right choice is b.

2.Generally plentiful metal on the outer layer of the earth





Answer:  The right choice is (b) Aluminum

Clarification: The most plentiful metal on earth is aluminum metal. Aluminum is the third most bountiful component in the world's outside, making up 8% of it by parts per million. It is an extremely lightweight and gleaming white metal. It is a decent conveyor of power and intensity. 

Thus, the right choice is b.

3.The shine of a metal is expected to.

Its high thickness

It's high cleaning.

It's compound inactivity.

Presence of free electrons.

Answer: The right choice is (d) the presence of free electrons.

Clarification: Metals are glistening as a result of the free electrons present in them. The light falling on these electrons is reflected. Subsequently, the metal surface seems sparkling or cleaned.

4.Which of the accompanying oxides is amphoteric?





Answer: The right choice is (d) Al2O3

Clarification: An amphoteric oxide is an oxide that can go about as either a corrosive or base in a response to frame salt and water. Al2O3 responds with corrosive as well as a base. Consequently, it is amphoteric. Consequently, choice and is right.

5.Why is copper used to make high temp water tanks, though steel isn't?

Answer: Copper is a decent channel of intensity contrasted with steel. Consequently, high temp water tanks are made of copper.

Clarification: Copper, instead of steel or a compound of iron, is utilized to make boiling water tanks since copper doesn't respond with one or the other water or steam, while iron responds with steam to consume the tank. Copper is unaffected by chilly water, heated water, or steam, while iron is impacted by steam.

6.Complete the accompanying condition with adjusting:

(I) Al + HCl →

(ii) Mg + HNO3 →

Answer: The adjusted synthetic responses are displayed underneath

I) 2Al + 6HCl(aq) → 2AlCl3 (aq) + 3H2(g)↑

Aluminum Hydrochloric corrosive Aluminum chloride Hydrogen

(ii) Mg(s) + 2 HNO3 (aq) → Mg (NO3)2 (aq) + H2↑

Magnesium nitric acid (very weaken) Magnesium nitrate Hydrogen.

7.Compose conditions for the responses of

(I) iron with steam

(ii) calcium and potassium with water

Answer: (I) Iron responds with steam to frame an attractive oxide of Fe with the freedom of H2 gas.

3Fe(s) + 4H2O (gas) → Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)

(ii) As Calcium metal communicates with water to frame calcium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) → Ca (OH)2(aqueous) + H2(g)

Potassium associates cold water viciously with the advancement of H2 gas, which bursts into flames.

2K(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2KOH (aq) + 2H2(g)

Clarification: I) Iron responds with steam and structures iron oxide. The response is displayed underneath:

ii) Calcium and potassium respond with water to give their particular hydroxides. The responses are displayed previously.

8.What synthetic interaction is utilized for getting a metal from its oxide?

Answer: The decrease technique gets metal from its oxide. Ex.- Zinc oxide is diminished to metallic zinc metal by warming with carbon.

Zino + C → Zn(s) + CO

Model: Lead oxide is diminished to lead by warming with carbon

Po +C → Pb + CO

Clarification: The synthetic cycle for getting a metal from its oxide is decreasing. This technique decreases the metal oxide arrangement by utilizing appropriate lessening specialists, for example, carbon or exceptionally receptive metals to supplant the metals from their oxides.

For ex., zinc oxide is diminished to metallic zinc by warming it with carbon.

Zino(s) + C(s) + heat → Zn(s) + CO(g)

Manganese dioxide is diminished to manganese by treating it with aluminum powder. For this situation, aluminum dislodges manganese from its oxide.

3MnO2(s) + 4Al (strong) → 3Mn(l) + 2Al2O3(s) + heat

Oxides of additional responsive metals are decreased by electrolysis.

9.Which metals don't consume without any problem?

Answer: Metals set at the lower part of the movement series like silver, gold, and platinum don't consume without any problem.

Clarification: The most unresponsive metals, like gold, don't rust effectively, while exceptionally receptive components are consumed without any problem. To that end these metals (profoundly receptive) are given gold plating to shield them from consumption — models: gold, platinum, silver and copper.

10.Food jars are covered with tin and not with zinc in light of the fact that

(a) Zinc is costlier than tin Sn.

(b) Zinc has a greater liquefying point than tin Sn.

(c) Zinc is more responsive than tin.

(d) Zinc is less responsive than tin.

Answer: The right choice is c. Food jars are covered with tin, not zinc since zinc is more responsive than electropositive tin.

Clarification: Zinc is more intuitive than tin. So, zinc can respond with food things and make food undesirable to eat. So, the right choice is c.

11.Characterize the accompanying terms:

(I) Minerals

(ii) Metals and

(iii) Gangue


(I) Minerals: The components or mixtures happening normally in the world's hull are minerals.

(ii) Metals: Minerals from which metal can be extricated productively and effectively are called minerals.

(iii) Gangue: Contaminations, for example, soil and sand, which are available in the minerals, are called gangue.

Clarification: I) Minerals are compounds (otherwise called components) tracked down normally in the world's hull. Ex., Alums, K2SO4.Al2(SO4), 3.24H2O, and so on.

ii) Metals are minerals from that metal that can be extricated. Ex: Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O is the metal of aluminum, copper pyrite CuFeS2. All minerals are not viewed as metals, but rather all metals are additionally viewed as minerals.

iii) Minerals mined from the world's covering are normally sullied with sand and rough materials. There are pollutants present in the mineral that is known as gangue.

12.You probably have seen discolored copper vessels cleaned with lemon or tamarind juice. Make sense of why these acrid or citrus substances are powerful in cleaning the vessels.

Answer: Discolored copper vessels are cleaned with lemon or tamarind since this acidic substance contains acids that break down the covering of copper oxide or fundamental copper carbonate on the outer layer of discolored copper vessels. It makes them spark red brown once more. Consequently, they are exceptionally powerful in cleaning discolored copper vessels.

Clarification: Copper responds with clammy carbon dioxide in the air to shape copper carbonate (CuCO3.Cu(OH)2). Thus, the copper vessel loses its gleaming earthy colored surface framing a green layer of copper carbonate. The citrus extract in the lemon or tamarind kills the base copper carbonate and disintegrates the layer. To that end discolored copper vessels are cleaned with lemon or tamarind juice to give the outer layer of the copper vessel its trademark shine.

13.Name two metals which will uproot hydrogen from weak acids and two metals which will not.

Answer: Zinc (Zn) and Magnesium (Mg) are the metals that will uproot hydrogen from weakened acids as they are extremely responsive. Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) are the metals which won't supplant hydrogen from weakened acids as these metals are less receptive.

Clarification: More receptive metals will dislodge hydrogen from its weakened acids. For instance, Iron and Zinc.

Fe+2HCl → FeCl2+H2


Least receptive metals won't dislodge hydrogen from their weakened acids — for instance, copper and silver.

Cu+HCl→ No Response

Ag+HCl→ No Response

14.Pratyush took a sulfur powder on a spatula and warmed it. He gathered the developed gas by rearranging a test tube over it, as given in the figure given in the book.

(a) What will be the response of gas -

(I) dry litmus paper?

(ii) dampness litmus paper?

(b) Compose a decent condition for the substance response occurring

Answer: a) When the sulfur powder is scorched in the air, sulfur-di-oxide is shaped.

(I) Sulfur-di-oxide affects dry litmus paper.

(ii) Sulfur-di-oxide diverts the soggy litmus paper from blue to red as contact of SO2 with water goes to sulfurous corrosive.

(b) S(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g)

SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3 (aq)

Clarification: (a) (I) There will be no activity on dry litmus paper.

(ii) Since the gas is sulfur dioxide (SO2), it turns soggy blue litmus paper to red since sulfur dioxide responds with dampness to frame sulfurous corrosives.

(b) S(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g) Sulfur dioxide

SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3 (aq) Sulfurous corrosive

15.Aluminum is utilized for making cooking tools. Which of the aluminum is answerable for the equivalent?

(I) Great warm conductivity or great intensity conduction

(ii) Great conduction of power

(iii) Malleability

(iv) High liquefying point

(a) (I) and (ii)

(b) (I) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)

(d) (I) and (iv)

Answer: The Right choice is (d) - (I) and (iv)

Clarification: As we probably are aware, electrical conductivity and malleability have no importance for a cooking tool, and it doesn't upgrade cooking. Aluminum is utilized for making cooking tools since it is a decent guide of intensity and has a liquefying point of around 660 °C. Thus, the aluminum vessel wouldn't liquefy while cooking when in the oven. Accordingly, the right response is choice (d).

16.What happens when calcium is treated with water?

(I) It doesn't respond with water

(ii) It responds fiercely with water

(iii) It collaborates less viciously with a water particle

(iv) Air pockets of hydrogen H2 gas framed adhere to the outer layer of calcium Ca

(a) (I) and (iv)

(b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (I) and (ii)

(d) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: The right response is choices (d) (iii) and (iv). Calcium connects gradually with water. At the point when a piece of calcium is dropped into a non-responsive holder containing water after some time, air pockets of hydrogen gas are seen adhered to the outer layer of the metal.

Clarification Calcium responds enthusiastically with water and structures hydrogen, making calcium float. In this manner, 

The right response is choice (d).

Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2

17.The creation of water-regia is

(a) Dil.HCl: Conc. HNO3 3: 1

(b) Conc.HCl: Dil. HNO3 3: 1

(c) Conc.HCl: Conc.HNO3 3: 1

(d) Dil.HCl: Dil.HNO3 3: 1

Answer: A right response is choice (c) Conc.HCl: Conc.HNO3 3: 1

Clarification: Water-regia is a combination of concentrated hydrochloric corrosive and nitric corrosive in a molar proportion of 3: 1. In this manner, the right response is choice (c).

18.Galvanisation is a strategy for shielding iron from rusting by covering it with a slender layer of

(a) Gallium

(b) Aluminum

(c) Zinc

(d) Silver

Answer: The right response is a choice (c) Zinc

Galvanization is a strategy for applying a layer of zinc on iron by utilizing electrolysis.

Clarification: Galvanisation is a strategy to shield iron articles from rusting. In this cycle, a slender covering of a more receptive metal like zinc is covered on top of the iron article to be safeguarded. Thus, the right response is choice (c).

19.By and large, metals are strong. Which one of the given metals is tracked down in a fluid state at room temperature?

(a) Na

(b) Fe

(c) Cr

(d) Hg

Answer: A right response is choice (d) Hg since mercury is the metal present in the fluid state at room temperature.

Clarification: Mercury is a metal that has a softening place of - 38.83 °C. Subsequently, at room temperature, it exists in the fluid state. In this way, the right response is choice (d).

20.Which of the accompanying four metals could be dislodged from the arrangement of its salts by the other three metals?

(a) Mg

(b) Ag

(c) Zn

(d) Cu

Answer: The right response is choice (b) Ag. Since silver Ag is a non-receptive metal, it tends to be supplanted without any problem.

Clarification: Out of the given choices, silver metal is the most unresponsive metal, thus it tends to be uprooted by different metals from its salt. In this way, the right response is choice (b).


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